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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Munchen Files - Lutz Aeterna

Mr. Volker Lange of Lutz Precision got the bug!

... teeth and tapes at MSM - yours truly and mr. Lange with Oscar Peterson's new tapes!

Volker Lange

He fell in love with open reel tape recorders many years ago and never forgot it.

Part of an huge corporate firm, he had the means and the strength to enter audio industry through main door and this is the result.

Prices of the metal reels, two for a full album, 1:1 master dubs with premium tape, are for the first time pretty right and the catalog isn't nice sound and crappy music/musician as sometimes found in other tape efforts, BUT superb music and recording.

Chatting with Volker at MSM Studio's evening in Munchen - also joined by witty and cool Amphion's managing director Anssi Hyvonen -  I got the feeling that now it's really the time for a  renaissance of tape and open reel enjoyed at home.

The Lutz Precision's plans are also of a new handy, cheap, audiophile play-only tape machine  to be produced and marketed, soon... coming from a Studer A-80 hard-core lover, well...

That's breaking news, folks!

Let's stay tuned on Volker and Lutz Precision.

Worth it!

Thanks to Michael Vrzal for teeth pix:-)

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